ავტორი: Joanna Kulesza
ორგანიზაცია: University of Lodz
საკვანძო სიტყვები: international law, cybersecurity, Internet governance, human rights, due diligence
აბსტრაქტი. This paper examines the evolving role of international law in cyberspace, with a focus on the contributions of the United Nations through its Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE) and Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG). It analyzes key principles affirmed by the UN GGE, such as sovereignty, non-intervention, and due diligence, while highlighting challenges stemming from limited participation and divergent state views. The paper also explores the OEWG’s broader approach to inclusivity and its efforts to address unresolved issues. Furthermore, it assesses the 2024 European Declaration on the Application of International Law in Cyberspace, emphasizing its role in complementing UN initiatives and strengthening global cyber governance. By bridging theoretical frameworks with actionable measures, the paper underscores the importance of multilateral cooperation in addressing cyber threats and advancing a rules-based international order in the digital age
UN GGE 2013 Report: United Nations, Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, A/68/98 (24 June 2013). Available at:
UN GGE 2015 Report: United Nations, Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, A/70/174 (22 July 2015). Available at:
European Council, "Declaration on a Common Understanding of International Law in Cyberspace," Brussels, November 18, 2024, Document 15833/24, CYBER 334, COJUR 111, COPS 622