ავტორი: Habib Badawi
ორგანიზაცია: Lebanese University
საკვანძო სიტყვები: Cybersecurity, Threat Intelligence, Human Factors, Ethics, International Cooperation, Critical Infrastructure, Cyber Resilience
აბსტრაქტი. This comprehensive study explores the multifaceted landscape of cybersecurity, integrating technical, human, ethical, and international perspectives. Drawing on a robust theoretical framework, we examine emerging trends in threat intelligence, critical infrastructure protection, the human factor in cybersecurity, ethical considerations, and international cooperation. Our findings highlight the need for a holistic approach to cybersecurity that balances technological solutions with human-centric strategies, ethical considerations, and global collaboration. The study provides insights for policymakers, cybersecurity professionals, and researchers, offering a roadmap for navigating the complex and evolving cybersecurity terrain.
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