Digital steganography and its existence in cybercrime
ავტორი: Natasha Garcia
ორგანიზაცია: Utica College, Utica, New York
საკვანძო სიტყვები: omputer steganography, cybercrime, digital forensics
აბსტრაქტი. The steganography evolution has been driven by the necessity for hiding a secret communication and eliminating its existence. The communication is conveyed between two parties. As a result, the primary objective with steganography is largely concealing the existence of said communication and protecting the embedded data against any modifications such as compression or format change that may happen during a transmission. As technology is adapting, computer users are seeking opportunities to protect the data they are sending. Digital steganography has had recent exposure due to its use for malicious activity and hiding illegal information across the Internet. The use of steganography online is a new practice and training in the law enforcement field has yet to be fully developed. This paper focuses on the specifications of digital steganography, its involvement in cybercrime, and the training opportunities for forensic examiners and law enforcement.
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