ავტორი: P. Raghu Vamsi, Agrah Jain
ორგანიზაცია: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India., Solution Advisor, Delloitte USI, Gurugram, India.
საკვანძო სიტყვები: Android Applications, e-commerce, penetration testing, security, testing, trust, vulnerability.
აბსტრაქტი. The availability of the Internet, cheaper data tariffs, and easy way of using the mobile phones made the effective use of Android mobile phones for availing Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) mobile Applications (Apps) by the people for purchasing the daily needs and regular household items. The success of the e-commerce platforms is based on their availability to public as web and Android mobile Apps. Further, their success is based on the trust and security that they maintain regarding users personal and payment data. But the poor design and development, unnoticed mistakes in coding of the e-commerce Android mobile Apps lead to many vulnerabilities and thereby becomes the simple target for the hackers. Along with conventional security testing methods, application dependent methods need to be applied on the e-commerce android Apps. To this end, this paper presents various possible practical security methods followed by penetration testers along with countermeasures that can be applicable for avoiding vulnerabilities in e-commerce Android Apps.
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27. News Article: (Last accessed 15-08-2021)