ავტორი: Jerzy Dorobisz
ორგანიზაცია: Institute of Information Technology and Cyber-security, Faculty of Cybernetics, WAT
საკვანძო სიტყვები: Directed Path., Directed Cycle, Score Vector, Underlying Graph, Consecutive Vertex
აბსტრაქტი. A directed graph, also known as a sgraph or digraph, is a mathematical structure used to model relationships between objects in which the relationships have a specific direction. Unlike undirected graphs, where edges connect vertices without specifying the direction of flow, in directed graphs the edges, also called arcs, have arrows indicating the direction of flow. There are different types of directed graphs, e.g. acyclic graphs (DAG), strongly consistent graphs, Euler graphs. Many algorithms and techniques for analysing directed graphs used to solve different problems. Directed graphs are an important tool in computer science, mathematics, engineering, and play an important role in the field of cyber security, providing a valuable tool for modelling and analysing complex information systems and identifying potential threats.
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