ავტორი: Joseph SIMIYU, Dorothy RAMBIM, Jasper ONDULO
ორგანიზაცია: Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
საკვანძო სიტყვები: e-health, Survivability, System Vulnerabilities, Security Risks
აბსტრაქტი. The adoption of e-health offers affluence medical benefits, unfortunately source of effective data is poorly protected, it is also susceptible to dangerous threats and attacks. While the volume of medical data dictates the use of technology, a failure of e-health systems to include security survivability as apriority in making e-health systems compromise easier. With this numerous security issues, the system can suffer more and never recover to assure users on their mission mandate. Despite efforts to secure Kenya’s cyber space by assuring Kenya electronic transactions and online services such as e Government and health, system survivability and security attacks continues to jeopardize e-health confidentiality, credibility, reliability and availability for both providers and users. Therefore, it is important to understand issues around system survivability after attack rather than just security. Overall, this paper will try to come up with a system survivability issues for fighting information systems crime in the health sector in Kenya. Specifically, this research study will seek to outline the major system survivability threats and vulnerabilities within health sector in Kenya.
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