The Role of Cybersecurity is National Security Enhancement

ავტორი: L.Saraidarov
ორგანიზაცია: Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia


საკვანძო სიტყვები: cyber danger, cyber security, cyber-attacks, national security
აბსტრაქტი. I think that the present article discusses the issues that cyber security is currently facing, which in its turn remains as one of the main components of the national security system of our country; the mitigation of those issues, their avoidance in the future and also the question of strengthening of the security system. Because cyber danger represents a relatively new and dangerous challenge both for us and for the world, it is still hard for most of the people to imagine or believe in the scale of the unfortunate results and damage caused by the cyber danger. It is obvious that cyber security should be one of the main concerns of our country due to the fact that Georgia is often a victim of cyber-attacks. The mere resources that our country possesses in the area of cyber security, used against fighting the mentioned challenges are often resulting in almost nothing, as cyber area as well as the persons operating in it, their evil goals and interests are only evolving and widening, thereby increasing the level of damage and endangering the security system of our country at its most. In my opinion, the threats that technological and informational security system of Georgia faces, lay a fundamental basis for the inevitability of the unfortunate results. Having said this, it is unfailingly necessary to strengthen the role of the jobs related to fighting the challenges and threats of cyber security as well as increase the number of those jobs and enhance the quality of professionalism, which finally will have a positive impact on the prevention of the expected threat and the involvement and strengthening of cyber security system.

ბიბლიოგრაფია / ეროვნული უსაფრთხოების ახალი კონცეფცია / 23 დეკ.'11 -
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