Cyber security European standards in business
Authors: Maksim Iavich, Sergiy Gnatyuk, Giorgi Iashvili, Andriy Fesenko
Affiliation: Caucasus University, National Aviation University, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Keywords: Cyber security, standard, European standard, security in business
ABSTRACT. In the paper we consider the attacks on large and small businesses. We analyze the European standards and legislation. In the paper we also describe the European trainings materials. Using these materials is made the experiment where we have collected the group of 10 people and assessed them using cyber security exercises created using the attacks on Georgia and Ukraine. Afterwards we trained these students for 20 hours using ENISA materials and made them to answer the similar questions once more.We have got rather good results. Based on our research we offer corresponding recommendations for the representatives of small and big businesses.
ttps:// 2019-2021
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