Evaluation of the Level of Cyber Security of Information
Authors: 1 Khoroshko Vladimir, 2 Mykola Brailovskyi, 1 Khokhlachova Yulia, 1 Ayasrah Ahmad Rasmi Ali
Affiliation: 1 National Aviation University of Kiev, 2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
ABSTRACT. A comparative analysis of the concepts of "cyber threat" and "cybersecurity" is given. However, opposite these concepts may be, they are interdependent and have much in common. It is proved that the level of cyber-threat of information simultaneously characterizes the level of cybersecurity, and the quantitative indicator of this could be - the cybersecurity index. The method of calculation of cybersecurity index of is presented in the work. Mathematical modeling of the cybersecurity index of information has not only practical but also predictive value. By employing the values of variables that are included in mathematical dependencies to calculate a cybersecurity index, one can evaluate the effectiveness of implementing certain measures aimed at its dynamics. Therefore, the functional relationship between the cybersecurity index and the value of the information indicators around the information can be an instrument for an in-depth study of the cybersecurity problem of information
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