Authors: Volodymyr Khoroshko, Ruslan Hryshchuk, Nikolay Brailovskyi, Mariia Каpustian
Affiliation: National Aviation University, Doctor in Technical Sciences, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, PhD in Engineering Science, Khmelnytskyi National University Computer Engineering and Information Systems Department, PhD in Engineering Science
Keywords: national security, information warfare, information warfare, the concept of security, ensuring the security of the state.
ABSTRACT. In modern conditions, the nature of the information-military struggle has changed significantly - it is increasingly taking on the characteristics of a hybrid war. The emphasis of the military struggle is shifting towards the practical implementation of information technologies. At the same time, informational and psychological operations, actions and actions are gaining more and more importance in achieving political and military goals. In the article, using the example of Ukraine, the issue of the distribution of sources of information and military danger according to their origin and internal nature was considered, specific manifestations of information and military danger for the country from the side of the aggressor state were given, general reasons for ensuring the national security of the country were given, and principles were formulated that have be laid in the basis of the activity of this system. The proposed functional scheme for ensuring the information and military security of the country. General recommendations on confrontation in the information war have been formed
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