Authors: Vladimer Svanadze
Affiliation: Caucasus University
Keywords: Internet fragmentation, unity, sustainability, robustness, security, stability, development, political, technical, commercial, governmental, policy
ABSTRACT. The deepening process of fragmentation has become a new challenge for the unity, security and stable development of the global Internet. That is, it can be said that the Internet is in danger of disintegrating into separate fragments that are weakly connected to each other. A number of disturbing trends related to the technological development of the Internet, the Internet policies and commercial activities of individual countries, as well as the current international situation are called the causes of fragmentation. In fact, the process of fragmentation has put the global Internet space in front of a new threat, which is also related to the establishment of total control over it by individual autocratic governments, the global ethno-conflicts and hostilities, as well as increased cybercrimes. All this violates the unity and stability of the Internet and threatens its stable and safe development process. This process also contradicts the Tunisian Agenda adopted by the United Nations Assembly in 2005. Internet fragmentation is a new process and it is a subject of extensive research. This paper briefly reviews the technical, commercial and governmental forms of Internet fragmentation, and at the same time, focuses on the political aspect of fragmentation. In particular, this issue is discussed in terms of the war in Ukraine and the Internet policy of the Russian government. It is the Internet policies and approaches of individual countries that are considered the political part of fragmentation, and in many cases political fragmentation has an impact on the other three forms of fragmentation. The fact that such global organizations as ICANN and RIPE NCC still manage to maintain an independent position and not to turn the issue into a political one deserves attention here, because the politicization of the technical management of the Internet represents the danger that may follow the irreversible process of Internet fragmentation.
Vladimer Svanadze, Maksim Iavich, Impact of Internet Fragmentation on the Unity, Security, and Stability of Global Internet; CPITS 2024 Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems 2024; CEUR, Vol-3654, pp. 520–525.
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