Authors: Maksim Iavich, Tamari Kuchukhidze, Avtandil Gagnidze
Affiliation: Caucasus University, East West University
Keywords: quantum cryptography; vector commitments; lattice-based vector commitments; Verkle tree; cryptographical application
ABSTRACT. Research on quantum computers has advanced significantly in recent years. If humanity ever creates an effective quantum computer, many of the present public key cryptosystems can be compromised. These cryptosystems are currently found in many commercial products. We have devised solutions that seem to protect us from quantum attacks, but they are unsafe and inefficient for use in everyday life. In the paper, hash-based digital signature techniques are analyzed. Merkle tree based digital signature is assessed. Using a Verkle tree and vector commitments, the paper explores the novel ideas.
The authors of this article present a unique technology for developing a post-quantum digital signature system using state-of-the-art Verkle tree technology. Verkle tree, vector commitments, and vector commitments based on lattices for post-quantum features are used for this purpose. The concepts of post-quantum signature design utilizing Verkle Tree are also provided in the paper.
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