Authors: Yuri Khlaponin, Ph.D., Lesya Kozbtsova, Igor Kozubtsov
Affiliation: Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kiev, Ukraine, Military institute of telecommunications and informatization named after Heroes of Krut, Kiev, Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of RAE,Scientific center of communication and Informatization of the Military Institute of telecommunications and Informatization, Kiev, Ukraine
Keywords: cybersecurity, education, information system, technology, destructive information influence, cyber security, methodology.
ABSTRACT. The relevance of the research topic on the need to ensure the cybersecurity of information systems and technologies in education is due to the constantly increasing vulnerability, as well as the hidden risk of losing assets of educational institutions.
The main aspects of the work. The article raises the question of the need to consider the provision of cybersecurity of information systems and technologies in education. It is established that at this time, researchers have not paid proper attention to the issue of ensuring cybersecurity in the projected information systems and technologies in the field of education.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the topic lies in the formulation of a task about the need to solve the scientific and practical problem of ensuring the cybersecurity of information systems and technologies in education.
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