Authors: Naman Nayak
Affiliation: Illinois Institute of Technology
Keywords: Security, industry database, targeted data breach, cybersecurity incidents
ABSTRACT. The security of computer systems is a pivotal aspect in the development and upgrade of IT infrastructures. In the era of Industry 3.0, marked by a surge in production automation, operational technology (OT) networks in industrial settings were typically isolated from administrative local area networks (LANs). During this period, essential systems like ERP, CRM, CAD/CAM, and team collaboration tools were not integrated with critical production infrastructures. However, this paradigm shifted dramatically with the advent of Industry 4.0, which saw the integration of established IT solutions into the OT landscape. This integration brought IT standards, infrastructure, and solutions into the OT domain, along with their associated risks. Cyber attacks on servers can lead to data breaches or theft. Compromising production line devices might result in significant material damages or even pose risks to human safety. For example, a hacked production line might be a lesser concern compared to catastrophic events like explosions due to compromised cooling system controls.
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