Using Data Mining Classifiers to Predict Academic Performance of High School Students
Authors: Yecheng Yao, Zebang Chen, Sumin Byun, Yizhu Liu
Affiliation: The University of Chicago, The University of California, Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, Pius XI Catholic High School
Keywords: Data Mining, Educational Data Mining, Classifier, High School Data Mining
ABSTRACT. The use of data mining techniques for educational datasets is being referred to as
educational data mining. This study uses popular classifier algorithms in data mining with secondary
school student data to estimate their success rate. Student success depends on various factors related
to the student’s personal, family and surrounding environment, among others. This study’s dataset has
attributes related to parental education, job information, student travel time, study time, financial
status, extracurricular activities, access to the Internet, family relationship, alcoholic consumption,
student health condition, regular school attendance. This study analyzes the correlations between
these attributes and identifies the attributes that contribute to students’ test achievement for better
prediction and management of student performance. The study also compares the performance of top
classification algorithms in data mining and concludes J48 classifier and oneR to outperform the other
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