Автор: Pramod K., Akash Hegde, Sandhya S., Dr. Shobha G.
Организация: 4Department of Computer Science and Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
Ключевые слова: chatbot; cloud computing; natural language processing; project analysis; project management.
Аннотация. A chatbot can be defined as a program developed to carry out conversations with a human using either audio or text. There exist numerous chatbots which are used for various purposes such as e-commerce, customer support, design, communication, finance, education, analytics, and so on. Furthermore, many companies use chatbots for their internal operations, for human resources, for customer support and more recently, support for Internet-of-Things (IoT) operations has also been added. Bearing in mind the existing chatbot applications with respect to productivity, the aim is to develop a chatbot for various operations related to productivity and project analysis within an organization, such that it can be integrated with CA Technologies Rally (Agile Central). It can be used for checking tasks and defects, generating reports and obtaining notifications. In the proposed work, the chatbot is built using Gupshup Bot Builder API which deploys it on to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, and then, it is integrated with Rally. Natural language processing (NLP) is used by the chatbot in general command interactions with the user, thereby eliminating the need for a fixed database of interaction commands.
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