Автор: Alexei Arina
Организация: Technical University of Moldova
Ключевые слова: cyber security, HEIs, management, framework, application
Аннотация. Ensuring cyber security is increasingly important for Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s), the development of security frameworks based on international standards in the field, developed according to a systemic and holistic approach, has become mandatory with the digitization of the academic field and the growing number of ICT security threats. The applications used for the management of cyber security automate the entire process and enable the joint use of security requirements and the overview of the process of securing university ICT, to achieve an optimal level of cyber security of academic electronic services. In this sense, the use of European directives, security standards, and scientific methods used for the development of security frameworks, but also of formal models for the development of security systems has an important and defining role, so that the solutions developed are applicable and based on evidence scientific.
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