Автор: Tamari Kuchukhidze
Организация: Georgian Technical University, Scientific Cyber Security Association
Ключевые слова: quantum, post processing, quantum random number generators, entropy, randomness extractors
Аннотация. Randomness is widely used in various fields including encryption, statistical analysis and numerical simulations. They are also a fundamental resource in science and engineering. For such applications, we usually need to provide unbiased and independent random bits. This raises the issue of where to get these supposed random bits.
Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) generate real random numbers based on the inherent randomness of quantum measurements. In practice, unfortunately, quantum randomness is inevitably mixed with classical randomness due to classical noise. Also, randomness is often correlated and biased.
It is necessary to process the resulting raw bits sequence and convert them to good quality output values that are as close to uniform distribution as possible. Random extractors are required for this.
We will analyze the randomness obtained by quantum random number generators as well as various examples of postprocessing. We discuss the types of randomness extractors.
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