Автор: Kyambadde Abdunool, Mwase Ali, Ssebanenya Muhammad, Saunders Warda
Организация: Makerere University Business School


Ключевые слова: UTAUT, Performance Expectancy, Behavioral Intention to Use and Wireless Technologies
Аннотация. The rapid evolution of wireless technologies has transformed the educational landscape, particularly in higher education institutions. This study examines the impact of performance expectancy on the behavioral intention to use wireless technologies(WTs) in public universities in Uganda. Performance expectancy, defined as the degree to which individuals believe that using a technology will enhance their performance, is a critical factor influencing technology adoption. The study opted for cross sectional survey methodology and using a quantitative approach, data were collected from students and faculty across selected public universities in Uganda. Results of correlation and regression analysis indicated that a positive and significant relationship exists between Performance Expectancy and Behavioral Intention to Use. The findings suggest that enhancing users' expectations of performance benefits could significantly improve technology usage in educational settings. This study provides valuable insights for policymakers, university administrators, and technology providers aiming to foster wireless technology adoption in Uganda’s higher education sector.


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