Vulnerabilities of the web: a socio-legal view

Автор: Xingan Li
Организация: International Institute for Innovation Society, Helsinki, Finland


Ключевые слова: Abuse, Anonymity, Disputability, Divisibility, Invisibility, Low confidentiality, Networked society, Uncertainty of the future, Uncontrollability, Universal accessibility
Аннотация. The purpose of this article is to review the social-legal environment of the emergence of cybercrime. The pervasiveness of information and communications systems brings about a legal gap in regulating the new crimes and new forms of existing crimes. There is also the inevitability for extending the objects that the criminal law should provide shield. The swift progression of technology and the inactivity of legal instruments form a sharp contrast. The multiple roles of computer systems in crime, and the decentralization of the Internet make it more complicated to combat cybercrime effectively through any single measure.


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