Authors: Lasha Sharvadze
Affiliation: Georgian technical University


Keywords: Security, medical software, software in medicine
ABSTRACT. For the correct management of processes in modern medicine, as well as in all other areas, the development of electronic services is very important. We can say that it is especially important and relevant for the field of medicine, because it consists of many connected systems and components, the main goal of which is the health and life of people. This field requires maximum accuracy, correct functioning, reliability and safety of any information about the patient in relation to this type of system. In 2019, the Ministry of Health of Georgia issued orders and instructions obliging medical institutions in the country to have any type of medical record of a patient in electronic format and these records should be uploaded to the portal of the Ministry of Health of Georgia. In Georgia, state requirements for electronic processes and data are quite decentralized and include physical carriers as well. The article describes a new software inpatient module that integrates inpatient care, treatment systems, devices, portals, and medical records. The system has a web interface and is adapted to various mobile devices. The system provides security features such as password policies and user role management. The system operates in a secure network environment. Experiments have been conducted in a test environment and it has been shown that the new system increases the efficiency of61 receiving medical services and reduces service time.


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