Authors: Giorgi Akhalaia
Affiliation: Caucasus University, Caucasus School of Technology


Keywords: Cyber Hygiene, Cyber Security, Cyber Crime in Georgia, Cyber hygiene assessment, end user awareness
ABSTRACT. Within the last decades, technological reforms are running in Georgia. A big part of G2G, G2B, G2C, B2B services moved to online platforms. With the grow of dependence on informational and communicational technologies (ICT) increases the risk of threats on personal, corporate or governmental informational and security. The user is the most important and together with this, the weakest point of cyber security. So, insuring cyber security must be started from raising awareness and cyber hygiene level of the users. The paper is focused on assessing the existing environment, identification of vulnerable weaknesses and on developing of corresponding recommendations. Together with the main research, the survey of the users of the system was performed to identify most common mistakes from practice. The main accent of the research was made on social engineering. Passwords policies, skills of using e-mails, using of wireless network configuration parameters, use of illegal software and other required parameters of cyber hygiene. The research showed, that the awareness of the users in this field is very weak. Unfortunately, usually the main accent was made on hardware and user factor was left without needed attention. During the research was identified, that corresponding legislation, which would regulate security processes based on national strategic regulations, did not exist.


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