Authors: Vladimer Svanadze
Affiliation: Georgian Technical University PhD Candidate. Director of Georgian Academy of Technological Innovations


Keywords: Cybersecurity, Global Index, National Index, Education, International Telecommunication Union, e – Governance Academy, Cyberspace
ABSTRACT. Despite its short period of development, cybersecurity has occupied one of the vital places in both international and national security; it has become an influential component and integral part of our lives. In fact, all these circumstances have been driven by the rapid evolvement of the Internet and Internet technologies, as well as the increasing global demand for e-services in the face of the pandemic. All above-mentioned determines the necessity for Internet stability and security with involvement of individual countries as well as international and regional organizations. It can be said that the cybersecurity of individual countries has become as important as the protection of the country land, air and sea and in turn it becomes an integralTimes New Roman part of international and regional security. In fact, the more society relies on modern technology, the more vulnerable it is to cyber-attacks. According to the World Economic Forum 2021 Global Risks Report, cyber risks are still among the global risks. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the implementation of technology, however, it revealed cyber vulnerabilities and unpreparedness. At the same time, it has exacerbated technical inequalities between societies both externally and internally. According to the same report, "next year, it is influential to consider cybersecurity as a strategic business issue and to develop close partnerships between industries, business leaders, regulators and politicians. Like any other strategic societal challenge, cybersecurity can’t be solved separately in isolation." The paper offers the analysis of international indexes of cybersecurity and analyzes their correlation to Georgian ones.


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