Authors: Leri Saraidarov
Affiliation: Faculty of Law and International Relations of Georgian Technical University
Keywords: Cyber security, security services, fight cyber threats, startups in cyber security, government agencies
ABSTRACT. There is no doubt that the national security problems exist in any country, regardless
of the governors and regime conditions, however in democratic states, especially for the countries
in war situations where, along with others the terrorist threats are increased. Ensuring the
security of the country is a priority and it is of particular importance.
In the State of Israel, special attention is paid to information security- one of its key areas and
components - cyber security and cyber defense. As you know, in the cybernetic age, with the
development and availability of technologies, are increasing the number and extent of threats
and challenges.
In Israel, a number of public and private sector agencies and organizations provide reliable and
sustainable cyber threats and risks including the special services, police and defense units, as well
as highly rated startups and information security companies.
To summarize, it has to be said, the foundation for success is a multitude of highly qualified
specialists, years of work experience, innovative approaches, the development of modern
technologies and the inevitable dilemma of forming an advanced leader and a protected state
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