Authors: Giorgi Akhalaia
Affiliation: georgian technical university


Keywords: 5G Network Security, Secure Communications; Location-Based Attacks, End-user privacy
ABSTRACT. In recent years, in digital technologies and services, special attention has been paid to the security of user's personal and personally identifiable information. Prior to the introduction of new functionality, the service, user privacy is a constant consideration during the security testing process. The development of mobile technologies, artificial intelligence, automation systems made it necessary to introduce new standards of mobile communications. With 3 key principles (ultra-reliability/low latency; improved mobile broadband; massive vehicle connectivity), the 5G standard will disrupt the mobile communications ecosystem and create a more scalable network. Despite the improved protection mechanisms, there are still weaknesses in the 5G network from which an attacker can carry out certain cyber attacks. A MITM type of attack makes it possible to eavesdrop on the user's device. The aim of the study is to assess the threats in the 5G network in relation to the security of the user's personal data. The focus is on assessing threats related to user location, using vulnerabilities in the 5G network to determine user location, and developing recommendations to protect against it.


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