Authors: Volodymyr Khoroshko, Zhukov Anatoly, Latko Iryna
Affiliation: National Aviation University, Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Kiev, Ukraine, Zhitomir Military Institute (Zhitomir), Ukraine.
Keywords: : cyberspace, cyber war, countering hybrid war, information space, analysis of the processes of attack and counteraction in the information space, game theory
ABSTRACT. The information sphere today has become a system-forming factor that has united all spheres of national security - economic, political, social, military, etc. As a result, through the information sphere, new threats to state security are being implemented. Therefore, the study of information security issues is inextricably linked with the study of the processes occurring in the course of information confrontation. Taking into account the antagonism of the interests of the opposing sides, the article proposes a well-known approach for solving the above problem, based on the basic provisions of game theory. In the course of the study, the optimal distribution of the means of defense and attack of the opposing sides was obtained, the basic theorems of information confrontation were formulated, and the gains and losses of each of the parties to the conflict were determined in an analytical form. The results obtained can serve as a mathematical basis for finding strategies for information countermeasures in an aggressive information environment.
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