“Rootkit” as a weapon of cybercrime

Authors: Natia Pilashvili, Mariam Kikliashvili
Affiliation: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Sociology_Junior;, _ Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Sociology_Junior,


Keywords: კიბერსივრცე, კიბერდანაშაული, დისტანციური მართვის მექნიზმი(RAT), მალვეარი(Malware), “რუტკიტი“;
ABSTRACT. In the 21st century, in parallel with rapid technological progress, the increasing trend of unsolved and inexcusable crimes is marked by cybercrime, often referred to as "the crime of the future." Malicious software, one of the key mechanisms of cybercrime, makes it easy for us to be victims of it. One of these Malware programs is “Rootkit”, about 60,000 people around the world have been affected by this.


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2."ROOTKIT: WHAT IS A ROOTKIT? Rootkit: What Is a Rootkit, Scanners, Detection and Removal Software" https://www.veracode.com/security/rootkit?fbclid=IwAR0hx_sd739-mYTSAn8Q4u8R48BTrIA-OF-7_z832CaHaQnir_lF2hB-_3M
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4.სისხლის სამართლის კერძო ნაწილი. წიგნი 2. მ.ლეკვეიშვილი, ნ.თოდუა და გ.მამულაშვილი. გამომცემლობა ,,მერიდიანი“, თბ. 2017