Authors: Ilia Khutsishvili
Affiliation: LEPL - Academy Of The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Of Georgia- Master’s Academic Degree of Law, New Vision University - The Ph.D Programme in Law, Doctoral Student
ABSTRACT. The profound transformations that have taken place since the collapse of the Soviet Union illustrate the need to strengthen adequate scientific research. One of the most important areas is the study of problems of economic security.
The safe development of the economy is one of the most important preconditions for ensuring the national security of the state. Economic security has always been of great importance at all stages of the development of States and has assumed various burdens at different stages of the development of civilization. At times, it was associated with the military power, development, and population welfare, but its main goal will always be to ensure the national security of the state.
A state cannot succeed against the background of a weak economy. It is interesting to discuss and analyze these issues, since intelligence and operational activities can affect the country's economy using various levers, to which the activities of the special services make the greatest contribution.
The purpose of the research is to study, analyze and define criteria for various harmful activities affecting economic security, to identify indicators for determining the threat of adverse impact on the economic security of the state, which in itself undermines the national security of the state resulting in loss of political independence and, in severe cases, even territorial integrity.
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