Автор: Volodymyr Khoroshko, Serhii Zybin, Nikolay Brailovskyi, Yuliia Khokhlachova
Организация: National Aviation University, Doctor in Technical Sciences, Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, PhD in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine, National Aviation University, PhD in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ключевые слова: game theory, payoff function, cyberspace, sustainable strategy, cyberwar, hybrid war, counteraction, neutralize, a moment in time, attack on information, conflict management
Аннотация. The article reveals the application of game theory in the analysis of information warfare. It can significantly reduce the errors and omissions that occur in information security management. That, in turn, minimizes the negative and undesirable political, social and financial consequences for the subjects of information confrontation. The solution of the problems of information confrontation is impossible without the development of new theoretical and methodological principles for the analysis of confrontation processes. The authors studied the scheme of finding sustainable strategies, which ensure neutralization of the enemy. The scheme for finding sustainable strategies always turns out to be useful in many problems and, in particular, in the game theory with a choice of a moment in time.
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