Автор: Sergiy Gnatyuk, Zhadyra Avkurova, Andriy Tolbatov, Yevheniia Krasovska, Bagdat Yagaliyeva, Oleksii Verkhovets
Организация: NAU Cybersecurity R&D Lab, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, Professional College of Engineering and Management, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan, , State Scientific and Research Institute of Cybersecurity Technologies and Information Protection, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ключевые слова: APT-attack, Early Detection, Identification, Honeypot, Fuzzy Logic, Parameter, ICT.
Аннотация. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are vulnerable to APT-attacks (advanced persistent threats) and other relevant threats. APT-attack is a stealthy threat actor, typically a nation-state or state-sponsored group, which gains unauthorized access to ICT and remains undetected for an extended period. Early detection of APT-attack is very important for ICT of critical infrastructure sectors. But existed approaches don’t allow to detect attacks effectively in cyberspace as fuzzy environment. In this paper, a method of linguistic terms using statistical data was used for structural and analytical models of parameters (both host and network parameters) as well as intruder model based on the defined host and networks parameters was developed. Based on this, logical rules can be developed to provide the functioning of IDS based on honeypot (or other) technology for APT-attacks detection and intruder type identification in ICT.
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