Автор: Augustine Ejeh
Организация: American University of Nigeria
Аннотация. Note taking is the process of taking note in a place where an event is happening likeclass or meeting or any important occasion when necessary. It is important to take notebecause the information presented in class or meeting often contains the central conceptsof the course and the material most likely to be included on exams if a students or beingasked by the boss if a secretary (Academic Skill Center, 2011).The main aim of my project which is “mind mapping technique for note taking” is todevelop a system with the aid of information communication technology tools thatenables user who learn best by using words (NovaMind, 2011) to regularly review keyconcept, repeating or reciting key concepts from class, reflecting or connecting yourideas or speaker owns to other notes and reading, event (class, meeting, etc) (AcademicSkill Center, 2011). That is, developing a system that enable you to quickly create notesusing a Mind Map as you listen to lecture (Garret, C., 2007).A mind map is a graphical figure used to represent and focus on an idea or central keyword that other ideas, words, tasks, or other items are arranged around it and then linkedto. It is actually a graphical method of taking notes. Mind Maps are a visual diagramwith bubbles and lines representing relationships and ideas between them. The core ideausually sits in the middle with related topics branching out from it. Ideas are furtherbroken down as well as extended until your page looks like an impressionist painting ofa spider colony (Garret, C., 2007). Mind map with ideas branching into their subsectionsgenerally take tree branching or hierarchical format. Mind map allows when recordingideas and information, a greater creativity by allowing the association of words withvisual representation hence helping with memory and organization (Farrand, P., Hussain,F and Hennessy, E., 2002).
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