Автор: Safwana Haque, Farhana Haque, Md Abdul Haque
Организация: BRAC University University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Farhana Haque, Anwer Khan Modern University, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
Ключевые слова: Password Security, Security Awareness, User Behavior, Security Practices, Cybersecurity
Аннотация. Text-based password is the most commonly used method to authenticate systems, and plays a vital role in keeping our data safe from attackers, therefore, it is important to have adequate knowledge for secured password practices. This study carried out an online survey of 500 people to study their response to password security. It was seen that 63% of the participants were vulnerable to password attacks because of their chosen methods. People of age 65 and above were found to be at the highest risk, while 80% of the female population have either never experienced or do not have any idea of a breach in their account. It was seen that 90% of the participants used information of personal significance in their lives, but 53% would still like secure passwords. This study suggests improvements for each chosen method that would make our system more reliable and immune to attacks.
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