Securing User’s Attributes on Transit to the Cloud using AES-128 bits Cryptography and DCTM3 Steganography Techniques
Автор: Maria M. Abur, Sahalu B. Junaidu, Saleh E. Abdullahi and Afolayan A. Obiniyi
Организация: Department of Computer Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Ключевые слова: Cloud, Personal Identifiable Information, Security, Identity provider, Network, Steganography, Cryptography techniques and Transit
Аннотация. ABSTRACT. Cloud adoption is increasing day by day as such, more and more trades and enterprises are movingtheir vital IT structure and data to the cloud. This move is driven by the remarkable potential of cloud platforms thatpromise exceptional functioning, efficacy, productivity, agility, elasticity and cost-effectiveness. Although everytechnology has its strengths and weaknesses, the nature of the cloud makes it vulnerable to the following issues:Performance, Security and Cloud Interoperability with the main problem being security and to be even more specificare the privacy concern which cloud users really fear. The lack of privacy is the inability to protect user’s attributes(or Personal Identifiable Information (PII)) as a result of data leakage, breaches and loss of data. This had made users’sceptical about sending their sensitive data to the cloud. Although there are other solutions to protect user’s dataduring transit such as securing user’s attribute with the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) cryptography. However, RSAhave been practically broken and user’s sensitive information compromised. Also data leakages still hamper thesecurity of user’s data during transmission on the network to the Identity provider (IdP) on the Cloud. This paperpresents an Enhanced PII Privacy Protection solution using Advanced Encryption Standard AES-128 and DiscreteCosine Transform Modulus Three (DCT-M3) Steganography techniques in order to protect user’s attributes frombeing leaked when it is being transmitted and stored on the IdP in the cloud. The supremacy of the proposed modelover the existing model was also measured based on the encryption techniques used, undetectability and robustness ofthe Stego image.
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