Автор: Andro Gotsiridze
Организация: professor Business & Technology University of Georgia, Cybersecurity Consultant, Founder of CYSEC - Cyber Security Educational Research Center, Director of Cyber Security Bureau of Ministry of Defence of Georgia in 2014 -2017
Аннотация. The democratic approach considers that all elections are expected to be free, open and fair,
and based on secret ballot; Digital Solutions, IC Technologies are integral parts of the modern electoral
process. Their usage increases confidence, the degree of freedom and impartiality of elections, but from a
cybersecurity perspective, any process involving the use of electronic devices or digitized data contains
risks. Technology cannot be introduced at the cost of compromising mentioned requirements.
Depending on the motives of the attacker, cyber threats can lead to a decrease in confidence in the
democratic process. Due to the growing trend of using cyber and information operations to interfere in
elections, the cybersecurity of electoral processes is definitely one of the most important tasks of the state.
The article gives a short overview of the cyber threats to election and discusses some cybersecurity
aspects of integration of digital solutions into elections processes.
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