Автор: Igor M.Kozubtsov, Oleksii V. Silko, Lesia M. Kozubtsova
Организация: Kruty Heroes Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ключевые слова: class, practical training, specialist, cybersecurity, computer game.
Аннотация. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need for lecturers to find ways
and technologies to maintain a high level of motivation and attention of students and cadets of the
cybersecurity speciality in practical classes. Traditional methods and means, as practice shows, are
not limitless. The main aspects of the work. The paper examines the existing best practices of the use
of games by researchers in the educational process. Based on the positive results, it is proposed to
develop specialized computer programs to increase the educational interest of students and cadets of
the cybersecurity speciality in practical classes. Scientific novelty. The concept of building a training
complex for training cybersecurity specialists based on a computer game is proposed for the first time.
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