Автор: Vladimer Svanadze
Организация: Business and Technology University (BTU)
Ключевые слова: Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure, Research Centers and Laboratories, SQLI, Phishing
Аннотация. The statistical rate of cyber-attacks is increasing, and the academic sector and various scientific research centers are of increasing interest to hackers. The main objective of cyber-attacks in the academic sector is to obtain the personal information of students and employees, such as addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, bank accounts, and financial documents. in the academic sector, there are quite large databases, and huge public information, which includes not only personal data, which can be said to be more secondary but also information about various types of research, the process, and testing of their results. This type of information is useful for governments of various countries, who often resort to cyber espionage to obtain interesting information that may relate to various technological solutions, achievements, or inventions. It can be noted that the academic sector, scientific research centers, and laboratories are the targets of cyber-attacks because of the huge amount of data that is vulnerable and valuable.
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