Автор: Vladimer Svanadze
Организация: Georgian Technical University PhD Candidate. Director of Georgian Academy of Technological Innovations
Ключевые слова: cyber-attacks, cyber security, cyber safety,development
Аннотация. The prevention of successful cyber-attacks on the critical infrastructure of the country depends on the available qualified personnel, and consequently on the education system, which can create a similarly qualified human resource. It can also be mentioned that it is possible to attract foreign specialists, or to transfer many cyber security measures to the private sector. However, both of these factors give rise to other problems related to both large financial resources and the issue of trust in the transfer of critical infrastructure entities cyber security to foreign companies, which is totally unacceptable from the point of view of national security. Many experts focus on this factor and make strategic recommendations on the development of national human resources in the field of cyber security, which is very necessary and important factor for any country.
The research conducted in the paper shows that in order to to develop and maintain cybersecurity in all its individual areas, it is necessary to have adequately educated and qualified personnel, which in turn provides increased critical infrastructure protection both globally and nationally.
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