ავტორი: Vysotska Olena, Davydenko Anatolii
ორგანიზაცია: National Aviation University, Pukhov Institute for modeling in energy engineering of NAS of Ukraine
საკვანძო სიტყვები: authentication, recognition, biometrics, handwriting, information systems
აბსტრაქტი. In this paper there was analyzed a relevance of the problem of anauthentication of information systems users. There was also reasoned a choice ofdynamic biometric authentication methods, namely the methods based on an analysis ofa person’s handwriting. Based on the results of the performed experiments, there wereselected the handwriting characteristics, which were analyzed for recognition further.There were defined the requirements to training items and the stages of its selection andadjustment. On the basis of the created algorithm, there was written a program toperform the authentication of information systems users, with the help of which anumber of experiments were carried out. According to the results of the experiments, itwas concluded that it is advisable to use the handwriting recognition systems for theimplementation of the authentication of information systems users
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