ავტორი: Nauryzbek Amangeldiyev, Patrick Siegfried
ორგანიზაცია: Master student, Mechanical engineering faculty, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Professor, Doctor, Doctor, MBA, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, ISM International School of Management GmbH – Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft, Guest Professor at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
საკვანძო სიტყვები: IoT; Internet of things; IoT security; IoT vision; Internet of nano-Things; IoT architecture; Layers of IoT; Smart Planet; Smart Home; Smart Transport; Smart Healthcare; Smart Transportation; Smart City; Smart Energy Grid; Internet of People; IoP; IoE; Internet of Everything
აბსტრაქტი. The main aim of the study is to give the reader the basic meaning of an “Internet of Things” itself,
evaluate its main concepts, types, trends, and areas of application, as well as challenges.
The study is a basic and fresh literature review from general sources and researches on the topic that has been
done recently by the scientific community. Qualitative and quantitative methods of data collecting have been
used. As a result, this paper can offer new interpretations, theoretical approaches, or other ideas. Mendeley
referencing application was used to cite and give credits to the authors of a raw material used in this study.
This term paper will give an excellent understanding to other researchers who are trying to build basic concepts
within the topic, or to those who wish to begin their researches on “IoT” furthermore and will provide effective
and accumulation knowledge. Also, can be useful as a raw material to the introductory courses regarding “IoT”.
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