ავტორი: Alexei Arina
ორგანიზაცია: Department of Telecommunications and Electronic Systems, Technical University of Moldova
საკვანძო სიტყვები: cyber security, framework, Higher Education Institution, DSR, academic processes.
აბსტრაქტი. This scientific paper reflects the results of research, which aimed to develop a Cyber Security Conceptual Framework for Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Moldova, to increase cyber security in academic environment. The scientific method Design Science Research was selected for the development of the security framework, due to the practical value it generates, being one of the most used qualitative scientific methods in the field of engineering. The identification of the key processes and stages of implementation of the Cyber Security Conceptual Framework, assessed according to value criteria, supports the way in which cyber security in universities in the Republic of Moldova can be increased. Important contributions are for the academic environment in the Republic of Moldova, where until now, there has been no reference framework to ensure the protection of academic processes.
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